

Course Overview?

Competitive businesses are businesses that reach the market first with better products at highly competitive prices. Staying ahead of the competition is vital for a business to thrive let alone survive in highly unpredictable markets. Even in green-field business (new business ventures) they need to fully assess all risk factors including social, environmental and political factors become even more critical. Therefore, the need for robust and scalable financial models has become even more important at times when capital flows have become scarce.

Organizations that are able to correctly model their businesses will always be ahead of everyone else. Financial modelling has become a very important section of the Finance department or a stand-alone department as evidence by the recent emergence of financial modelling as a profession in itself separate from finance and Accounting. Don’t be left behind and allow your organization to stagnate, because you can’t afford it. Be ahead of competition. Implement financial model, through training.

TARGET GROUP Target group

This training is designed for Chief Accountants, Accountants, HR Professionals, Administrators, Economists and Planners, Project officers, Assistant accountants, Accounts officers, Budget officers, Finance Managers, Finance officers, Auditors, Audit assistants, Audit officers, Treasurers, Financial Analysts, Tax Consultants, Investment professionals and other interested professionals who want to transform their Excel skills to the next level and move from building simple excel models to Complex financial models. Employees from Public and Private organizations are highly invited. For those want to develop data analysis and reporting skills, this training is a perfect match to their career goals!

Course contents

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