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Mon, 17-Jul-2023
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The "Special MS. Excel Training" is an advanced-level Excel course designed for in-service employees from various organizations who already have good knowledge of Intermediate Microsoft Excel. The course aims to further enhance participants' skills and proficiency in Excel, focusing on advanced data analysis, automation, and optimization techniques. The training duration is 2 weeks, with classes held every day, five days a week.
  • Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
  • • Advanced PivotTable techniques, including grouping, calculated fields, and calculated items
  • • Data consolidation and linking data across multiple worksheets
  • • Using advanced filters and working with database functions
  • Advanced Formulas and Functions
  • • Advanced lookup functions (INDEX-MATCH, VLOOKUP with approximate match)
  • • Advanced text functions for data manipulation and extraction
  • • Date and time functions for complex calculations
  • Data Visualization and Dashboards
  • • Advanced charting techniques, including dynamic and interactive charts
  • • Creating data-driven dashboards for effective data visualization
  • • Incorporating form controls and interactivity in Excel dashboards
  • Advanced Data Analysis Tools
  • • What-If Analysis: Scenario Manager, Goal Seek, and Data Tables
  • • Solver Add-in for optimization problems
  • • Analyzing large datasets with Excel's Power Query and Power Pivot
  • Efficiency and Productivity Techniques
  • • Advanced Excel tips and tricks for improved efficiency
  • • Customizing the Excel environment using macros and add-ins
  • • Advanced data validation techniques for data integrity and accuracy
  • Automation with VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)
  • • Introduction to VBA and the VBA Editor
  • • Automating tasks with macros and user-defined functions
  • • Creating custom dialog boxes and user forms
  • Advanced Data Modeling with Power Pivot
  • • Introduction to Power Pivot for advanced data modeling
  • • Creating relationships between multiple data tables
  • • Utilizing DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) functions for advanced calculations
  • Advanced Data Analysis and Reporting
  • • Advanced data analysis techniques with Excel's Power Query
  • • Creating dynamic reports with slicers and timelines
  • • Importing and transforming data from external sources
  • Advanced Financial Functions
  • • Financial functions for loan calculations, investments, and cash flow analysis
  • • Advanced statistical functions for data analysis
  • • Array formulas and array functions for complex calculations
  • Final Projects and Recap
  • • Undertaking a practical project to apply learned skills
  • • Recap of key topics and Q&A session
  • • Course evaluation and certificates of completion