Refund Policy

Welcome to SAFCo Academy's online learning platform! We are committed to providing you with high-quality educational experiences. Our refund policy is designed to be fair and transparent, ensuring that you have a positive learning journey with us. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our refund policy:


Refund Eligibility


1.1 Course Enrollment: You are eligible for a refund if you have enrolled in a course on our platform and meet one of the following criteria:

    a) You request a refund within 30 days of the course purchase date.

    b) You have not accessed more than 10% of the course content.


1.2 Subscription Plans: If you are subscribed to one of our recurring payment plans, you may be eligible for a refund if you meet the following criteria:

    a) You request a refund within 30 days of the initial subscription purchase date.

    b) You have not accessed any premium content or services included in the subscription.


2. How to Request a Refund


To request a refund, please follow these steps:

2.1 Send an email to our customer support team at or WhatsApp +255 713 388 317

2.2 Include the following information in your email:

    a) Your full name and contact information.

    b) The name and date of the course or subscription plan you want a refund for.

    c) A brief explanation of the reason for your refund request.


2.3 Our customer support team will review your request and respond to you within 5 business days.


3. Refund Process


3.1 If your refund request is approved, we will process the refund within 15 business days from the date of approval.

3.2 Refunds will be issued using the same payment method that you used for the original purchase.


4. Special Circumstances


4.1 Technical Issues: If you encounter technical issues that prevent you from accessing the course content, please contact our support team immediately. We will work to resolve the issue promptly. If the issue cannot be resolved within a reasonable timeframe, a refund may be considered.


4.2 Course Changes: SAFCo Academy reserves the right to make changes to course content, instructors, or scheduling. In such cases, we will notify enrolled students and provide options for refunds or course transfers.


5. Dispute Resolution


If you are dissatisfied with our refund decision or have any concerns, please contact our customer support team at or contact us on +255 713 388 317. We are committed to finding a fair resolution to any disputes.

Thank you for choosing SAFCo Academy for your online learning needs. We look forward to supporting your educational journey.