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Mon, 17-Jul-2023
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The "Special MS. Excel Training" is an intermediate-level Excel course designed for in-service employees from various organizations who already have fair knowledge of Microsoft Excel. The course aims to enhance participants' skills and proficiency in using Excel for data analysis, advanced calculations, and data visualization. The training duration is 2 weeks, with classes held every day, five days a week.
  • Data Analysis Techniques
  • • Introduction to advanced data analysis tools in Excel
  • • PivotTables and PivotCharts for data summarization and analysis
  • • Filtering and sorting data, using advanced filtering options
  • Advanced Formulas and Functions
  • • Exploring advanced formulas and functions in Excel
  • • Array formulas and their applications
  • • Lookup and reference functions for data retrieval
  • Data Validation and Protection
  • • Implementing data validation rules to maintain data integrity
  • • Protecting worksheets and workbooks with passwords and permissions
  • • Conditional formatting for highlighting data based on specific criteria
  • Advanced Data Visualization
  • • Creating impactful charts and graphs in Excel
  • • Customizing chart elements and formatting options
  • • Sparklines and conditional formatting for visualizing trends
  • Efficiency Tips and Shortcuts
  • • Time-saving techniques and shortcuts for efficient Excel usage
  • • Keyboard shortcuts and productivity features
  • • Customizing the Excel interface for personalized workflows
  • Advanced Data Analysis Functions
  • • Advanced statistical functions for data analysis
  • • Scenario Manager and Goal Seek for what-if analysis
  • • Solver add-in for optimization problems
  • Power Query and Data Cleansing
  • • Introduction to Power Query for data transformation and cleansing
  • • Importing and transforming external data sources
  • • Data cleaning techniques and removing duplicates
  • Collaboration and Sharing
  • • Collaborating on workbooks with multiple users
  • • Tracking changes and comments
  • • Sharing workbooks via email or cloud platforms
  • Advanced Functions and Formulas
  • • Advanced lookup functions (INDEX-MATCH, VLOOKUP)
  • • Text functions and string manipulation
  • • Financial and mathematical functions
  • Final Projects and Recap
  • • Undertaking a practical project to apply learned skills
  • • Recap of key topics and Q&A session
  • • Course evaluation and certificates of completion