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Wed, 05-Jul-2023
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07:16:45 Hours
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The Microsoft Excel For Intermediate course is designed to enhance your skills and knowledge of Excel beyond the basics. This course is ideal for individuals who already have a basic understanding of Excel's fundamental features and want to delve deeper into its functionalities.
  • Basic Excel Knowledge: It is recommended that you have a basic understanding of Excel's fundamental features and functions before enrolling in the intermediate course. Familiarity with tasks such as creating and saving workbooks, entering data, formatting cells, and using basic formulas and functions will provide a solid foundation.
  • Computer Skills: Basic computer skills are necessary to navigate through the Excel software and perform tasks such as opening and closing files, managing folders, and using keyboard and mouse functions.
  • Software: Access to a computer with Microsoft Excel installed is essential. The specific version of Excel required may vary depending on the course, but compatibility with Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Excel 2021 or Excel for Office 365 is common.
  • Cell Styles
  • Copy as Picture , Custom and Special Formats
  • Worksheet Backgrounds, Watermarks Autofill Non-Adjacent Cells and Autofill on Multiple Sheets
  • Highlight Cell Rules, Top/Bottom Rules, Data Bars, Color Scales
  • Insert a Table and Style Options, Add Rows & Columns, Perform A Function in A Table
  • Summarize with Pivot Table
  • Data Validation and Drop Down Lists
  • Removing Duplicates
  • Text to Columns and Concatenate, Importing and Exporting Data, Multiple Sheet References and Consolidating Data – With or Without Links Cell Names
  • Date Formulas
  • VLOOKUP, VLOOKUP Exact Match, HLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Exact Match
  • CHOOSE, IF Statement and IFERROR
  • SUBTOTAL Function, Case Formulas, Fix Number Fields, Trim Spaces and Substitute Text
  • Chart Types, Instant Chart – Pie Chart, Update Chart, Column Chart, Picture Fill, Adjust Chart Size, Line Chart, Scatter Chart, Sparklines Chart Styles and Chart Layouts
  • Axis Options, Chart Titles, Legends, Data Labels, Apply Themes, Arrange
  • Group & Ungroup, Sort Data, Sort Multiple Levels, Filter Data and Subtotal
  • Creating Pivot Tables, Choosing Fields, Pivot Table Layout, Filtering Pivot Tables, Modifying Pivot Table Data, Pivot Charts, Slicers and GETPIVOTDATA Function
  • Workbook Passwords Protecting, Workbooks Unlocking Cells, Documents Properties, Inserting Hyperlinks and Sharing A Workbook Track Changes
  • Accept/Reject Changes Mark as Final, Templates, Save As Web Page, Macro Enabled Workbook, Workbook Design, Excel Performance Killers and Report Design Principles