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Live Class (Everyday)

Live Class (Everyday)


Immerse yourself in real-time learning

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Thu Jan 2024
Total lectures 0
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 00:00:00 Hours
Total enrolment 0
Number of reviews 0
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Short description Immerse yourself in real-time learning
  • Mastering Advanced Excel Techniques for Professional Development
  • Advanced Excel and Power Query: A Comprehensive Approach to Data Automation and Cleaning
  • Advanced Excel for Financial Reporting
  • Harnessing Big Data Analytics: Power Query, Power Pivot, and Power BI in Action
  • Python Programming for Financial Professionals: A Data Analytics Perspective
  • Machine Learning Strategies for Accountants and Auditors: Data Mining with Python
  • Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Accounting and Auditing Processes using Python