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Mathematics Form Three

Mathematics Form Three


Are you a Form Three student looking to excel in mathematics? Our online Mathematics Form Three course is designed to help you build a strong foundation in algebra, geometry, and statistics while preparing you for success in your Form Three mathematics exams.

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Expiry period 1 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Sun Nov 2023
Total lectures 7
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 01:24:06 Hours
Total enrolment 8
Number of reviews 0
Avg rating
Short description Are you a Form Three student looking to excel in mathematics? Our online Mathematics Form Three course is designed to help you build a strong foundation in algebra, geometry, and statistics while preparing you for success in your Form Three mathematics exams.
  • Chapter One: Relations
  • Chapter Two: Functions
  • Chapter Three: Statistics
  • Chapter Four: Rate and Variations
  • Chapter Five: Sequences and Series
  • Chapter Six: Circles
  • Chapter Seven: Earth as a Sphere
  • Chapter Eight: Accounting