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Science and Technology Grade Five

Science and Technology Grade Five


Science and Technology Course

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Expiry period 12 Months
Made in English
Last updated at Mon Oct 2023
Total lectures 15
Total quizzes 11
Total duration 10:44:53 Hours
Total enrolment 10
Number of reviews 0
Avg rating
Short description Science and Technology Course
  • Chapter One: Living things
  • Chapter Two: Photosynthesis
  • Chapter Three: Reproduction in plants and animals
  • Chapter: Four Ecology
  • Chapter Five: Adaptation of living things to their environment
  • Chapter Six: Light energy
  • Chapter Seven: Electrical energy
  • Chapter Eight: Magnet
  • Chapter Nine: Effects of force on matter
  • Chapter Ten: Communication
  • Chapter Eleven: Simple machines
  • Chapter Twelve: Scientific experiments
  • Chapter Thirteen: Cleanliness and body health
  • Chapter Fourteen: First aid
  • Chapter Fifteen: Epidemic diseases
  • Chapter Sixteen: HIV and AIDS
  • Chapter Seventeen: Excretion