
The "Programming" course is designed for beginners or novice programmers, aspiring software developers, and computer science or engineering students who are interested in learning programming languages and building practical projects. The course focuses on three popular programming languages: JavaScript, PHP, and Python. Participants will gain a strong foundation in programming concepts and techniques, enabling them to develop practical projects using these languages. The training duration is 8 weeks, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

Advanced 0(0 Ratings) 0 Students enrolled English
Created by Revocatus Balthazar
Last updated Mon, 17-Jul-2023
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Course overview

The "Programming" course is designed for beginners or novice programmers, aspiring software developers, and computer science or engineering students who are interested in learning programming languages and building practical projects. The course focuses on three popular programming languages: JavaScript, PHP, and Python. Participants will gain a strong foundation in programming concepts and techniques, enabling them to develop practical projects using these languages. The training duration is 8 weeks, providing a comprehensive learning experience.

Learning Objectives and Expected Outcomes:

By the end of the course, participants are expected to:

  1. Understand fundamental programming concepts and principles.
  2. Gain proficiency in JavaScript, PHP, and Python programming languages.
  3. Develop problem-solving skills and logical thinking for programming.
  4. Learn to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
  5. Apply programming knowledge to create practical projects.
  6. Gain hands-on experience and confidence in programming.

What will i learn?

  • : Introduction to Programming Concepts
  • • Basics of programming, algorithms, and problem-solving approaches
  • • Introduction to JavaScript as a programming language
  • • Data types, variables, and basic operations in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Programming
  • • Control flow and conditional statements (if-else, switch)
  • • Loops (for, while) and iterative programming
  • • Arrays and array manipulation in JavaScript
  • • Functions and scope in JavaScript
  • • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in JavaScript
  • • Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation with JavaScript
  • Introduction to PHP
  • • Introduction to PHP as a server-side scripting language
  • • Variables, data types, and basic operations in PHP
  • • PHP control structures (if-else, switch, loops)
  • PHP Programming
  • • Functions and variable scope in PHP
  • • PHP arrays and array manipulation
  • • Working with forms and handling user input in PHP
  • Introduction to Python
  • • Introduction to Python programming language
  • • Variables, data types, and basic operations in Python
  • • Python control flow and conditional statements (if-else, switch)
  • Python Programming
  • • Loops and iterative programming in Python
  • • Lists and list manipulation in Python
  • • Working with files and file input/output in Python
  • • Functions and scope in Python
  • • Object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Python
  • • Error handling and exception handling in Python
  • Practical Projects and Application Development
  • • Working on practical projects using JavaScript, PHP, and Python
  • • Applying programming concepts and techniques to develop real-world applications
  • • Hands-on guidance and assistance from instructors during project development
  • Project Completion and Presentation
  • • Finalizing and polishing projects
  • • Presentation of projects to showcase the acquired skills and knowledge
  • • Review, feedback, and evaluation of projects
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Revocatus Balthazar


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